Welcome to my private practice for paediatric and adolescent medicine in Berlin-Pankow! As a doctor, I see it as a fundamental part of my work to support you, dear parents, in developing your “gut feeling” — to understand and assess how your children are doing. I would like to accompany you on your journey through parenthood as your trusted family doctor — when dealing with acute or chronic illnesses as well as during difficult developmental phases. It is essential to me that I always have plenty of time to thoroughly examine your child and discuss things with you in detail.
Holistic, individualised treatment and vaccination choices that meet the most modern standards are especially important to me.
I was born in Pankow, have two sons (born 2000/2002) and opened my practice in April 2011, initially as a practice for those with public health insurance.
I am now thrilled to have the opportunity to treat children and adolescents in my private practice / private office hours (only for those with private insurance or who are paying for the visit themselves).
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